Contact Us

Please use the contact form as a way to email us, this way we eliminate spam in our mailbox ensuring that we never miss an email received it our inbox.

Our office number for kennels, day care and training - 021 987 1027

For our Grooming Parlour and shop - 076 742 5130

You are also welcome to contact us via whatsapp for grooming appointments.

Please note that we will get back to you during normal office hours. Our office is closed on weekends and public holidays. Please do not message on facebook as we do not check messages there regularly and we need to be able to email you our rates and information forms to complete should you wish to book for any service.

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Winter Dogs Second edition!! for only R220!!

Place your order now!!

Training and Behavior book. Shaping Your Dog,The Positive Way available online through, Barnes and and other reputable outlets. Also available through our web site. Cost:R350.00

Click on the image of the book to see the video trailer or click on the book Winter Dogs to order any of the books.